Since the beginning, we've always told coaches that we were out to create both a tactical and strategic tool. However, one can't come before the other. For years, we've carved out an excellent platform to save coaches time and money programming workouts for their athletes.
Today, we are proud to announce phase 2: Using weight room data as actionable insight to make better coaching decisions. In this release, we've pushed out 9 reporting tools to empower coaches and athletes to face the numbers they produce every single day in the weight room.
The trend is clear: stats originated in the weight room are the foundation for stats on the playing field. This is just the beginning for what we consider a never-ending grind - whether it be down in trenches or deep into the night at the office - towards getting better every single day.

Completely Redesigned Reporting

TeamBuildr reporting has been redesigned from the ground up and features 9 new custom reports:
- Completion Report - shows completion totals/percentages of each athlete over time
- Attendance Report - generates an attendance breakdown for each user over a selected time period
- Workout Results - detailed list of workout results for a selected period of time
- Progress Report - created a one-page chart-based report on progress for selected exercises
- Max Report - creates a grid of each athlete and their maxes for selected exercises
- Opt Out/Notes Report - Lists all "Opt Out" information and workout notes for selected athletes
- Health Report - generates a chart for athlete "health" measurements over time
- Rep & Load Report - breaks down athlete's projected & actual rep count/volume load over time
- Evaluation Report - displays evaluation results for athletes in a selected sport or calendar group
If you want to learn how to run each report check out our updated reporting Knowledge Base here!

Introducing Weight Room Display

We have created an all new display that allows up to 4 athletes to complete workouts on the same tablet/device.
Suggested weights are displayed for each set in an attempt to eliminate data entry (athletes can override these with the touch of a button)!
We have also built a custom tablet display stand that is sturdy enough for a weight room environment and light enough to be moved to different racks/stations if necessary. If you would like to learn more about these, drop an email to

Improved Maxes Page

- Tracked exercises are now shown in a grid layout with "Quick View" progress charts
- Filer exercises using the new search box that works as you type
- Health data is now part of the maxes page
- Health data can be recorded using the "Add Testing Data" panel
- A custom date can now be used when adding new testing results

Brand New Evaluation Section

- Coaches can use the new evaluation section to record non-workout related activities
- The flexible evaluation builder allows for coaches to recreate any test or screening inside of TeamBuildr
- Athlete selection and evaluation completion is optimized for tablet and phone data entry in the weight room

The Introduction of Athlete Notifications

New notifications have been added to TeamBuildr Messaging - a red notification counter will be displayed on the Messages icon on each page.
Coaches can now choose to receive the following notifications:
- Athlete Opt Out - details the type of opt out and if there was any substitution
- Workout Note Added - an athlete's notes added to a specific exercise
- Video Submitted - an athlete uploaded a video of their workout
Notification settings can be updated on the settings page.

New Hardware and Software Integrations

We are excited to announce 3 new integrations:
- Assess2Perform (Bar Sensi & Ballistic Ball) - transmit advanced workout data - bar speed, peak power, distance, etc. - right from your Assess2Perform device into TeamBuildr. No data entry needed - TeamBuildr will record the workout and link it to the matching scheduled workout!
- Ubersense Video - athletes can share workouts recorded with Ubersense with coaches. In the Ubersense app, all an athlete needs to do is "Share via Email" to and it will automatically link the video to their profile (Ubersense and TeamBuildr account email must be the same).
- GymAware (currently in development) - complete scheduled workouts in the GymAware app and the data is pushed back into TeamBuildr - no input necessary! Stay tuned for more information.
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