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Is It OK to Drink Coffee Before a Workout?

Jul 21, 2014

Many people will drink coffee to give themselves an extra boost to start their day. However, it's still worth asking if it's OK to drink coffee before a workout to give yourself that extra caffeine boost. Coffee can be beneficial to a workout in some ways because of caffeine which is naturally concentrated in coffee beans. However, drinking too much coffee before a workout could have the opposite effect. Try lifting weights with dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and even jitteriness in your hands. But, like many things in nutrition, the right amount of coffee before a workout can provide a great upside.

When taken in moderation, an athlete can greatly benefit by drinking about 1-2 cups of coffee before a workout. Caffeine was once banned by the Olympics because of its benefits to athletes because the stimulant  increases blood flow and heart rate, helping to increase mental focus. Caffeine also increases adrenaline production, which sends extra oxygen to the muscles. This causes the muscles to feel less fatigued, making the workout seem easier. This can benefit an athlete who is working to build muscle endurance. In addition, caffeine also burns more fat throughout a workout and hinders lactic acid buildup in muscles, which can harm muscles and joints. Coffee also helps to preserve muscles, which can help athletes train longer without soreness. The positive effects of coffee are still being discovered: In a study by Johns Hopkins coffee helps to improve memory within a twenty-four hour time span.

Conclusion: Go Ahead, It's OK to Drink Coffee Before a Workout

The conclusion? Choosing to drink coffee before a workout in moderation can definitely help an athlete in many different ways. Coffee helps with an athletes both physically and mentally. The best part is that coffee can be done hot or cold, sweet, creamy, or just straight black. Just don't put too much sugar or fattening cream beforehand - those "liquid calories" won't do you a bit of good. Period.

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