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Continuing Education's Role in Strength & Conditioning

Ryan Metzger
Jun 6, 2024

As I progressed through my collegiate gymnastics career, I knew my career decision timeline was getting shorter. My exposure to strength and conditioning during college significantly influenced my career path. However, I lacked an understanding of what it truly takes to excel as a strength and conditioning professional. I saw the training plan my strength and conditioning coach gave me each week and figured that was the extent of what needed to be done; little did I realize the amount of education and knowledge needed by these professionals to produce a program.

Contrary to common belief, strength and conditioning coaches are highly educated professionals; they possess extensive knowledge in physical preparation and performance. The field of strength and conditioning is constantly progressing as individuals continuously strive to build a sturdy foundation for all strength and conditioning coaches to stand on. To continuously evolve, continuing education is crucial to ensure coaches stay up to date on the latest research, trends, and best practices. Let’s dive into some key reasons why continuing education needs to be prioritized in our field:

1. Staying Updated – The field of strength and conditioning is constantly evolving with new research and techniques emerging regularly.  Staying updated is critical for coaches to remain effective and provide the best possible training programs for athletes. Being well-versed in the most current industry trends allows coaches to incorporate new and innovative training methods, equipment, and technology to enhance overall effectiveness. As the current landscape continues trending toward technology and sport science, the use of wearable devices and data analysis tools is transforming the field.  Coaches who stay up to date on these technological developments are better equipped to integrate and analyze data which provides valuable insight and can change the trajectory of performance.  Being intentional in seeking out continuing education opportunities that provide current and relevant information will give you a leg up on your effectiveness as a coach, ultimately benefiting your athletes.  

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2. Enhance Knowledge and Skill Set – Seeking ways to enhance knowledge and skill set as a coach can have exponential benefits. The profession is grounded in science and deepening knowledge of exercise science principles, including anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics allows coaches to design more effective and targeted programs. Along with expanding knowledge of exercise science, developing advanced skills in program design enables coaches to create well-structured and periodized training programs that optimize performance and reduce the risk of injury.  Although a lot of continuing education can be geared toward the X’s and O’s of programming and physical preparation, developing a better understanding of communication styles, motivational techniques, and leadership skills are important areas to explore to become a well-rounded strength and conditioning coach. By continuously seeking education on knowledge and skill sets, coaches can provide effective programs while also enhancing relationship-building skills to provide the best service to their athletes.

3. Maintaining Certification – Maintaining certification is crucial for strength and conditioning coaches to demonstrate their commitment to professional development and ensure they have the necessary knowledge base and skill set to provide effective programs.  Certifying bodies require coaches to complete CEUs over a specified period and not only will you potentially gain valuable information, but it also checks the box to maintain the necessary certifications to continue coaching. As mentioned earlier, the field of strength and conditioning continues to evolve and as it does, specialized certifications become more readily available. Choosing continuing education courses or certifications that focus on a specific area of interest can help you develop a niche specific to a sport or area of professional development. Continuing education for maintaining certification can also help with career advancement.  Seeking these educational opportunities enhances credibility and earning potential in the field.

Choosing continuing education resources may be just as important as the reasons to do it.  There are endless options ranging from conferences to webinars to books and journals as well as mentorship programs. Continuing education is essential for coaches at all stages of their careers but especially important for younger coaches to establish a strong foundation of knowledge and skill sets early on.

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